Vimar logistics and production hub, Marostica, Italy

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Drainroof H6 was used for the construction of the green roof at the new Vimar logistics and production hub in Marostica, Italy.

The Vimar complex was developed with sustainability in mind, focusing on energy efficiency and increasing green areas as key priorities. The project covered 70,000 m², consisting of a management office building, production area, warehouse, and over 7.000 m2 dedicated to green spaces. 

The combination of industrial and administrative use required a low-maintenance green roof solution without an irrigation system. Our experts proposed an extensive green roof covered with sedum plants, which only needed watering a few times a year.

Following the project’s sustainability goals, Drainroof green roof brought multiple advantages, completing several tasks at once:

  • Reducing the use of virgin materials by utilizing 100 % recycled plastic, 
  • Enhancing stormwater resilience through improved rainwater retention and drainage,
  • Improving the building’s insulation for reduced heat loss in winter and air conditioning needs in summer.

The Vimar project was also equipped with renewable energy sources, including solar panels, geothermal heating, and charging stations in the parking area, further reducing the environmental impact of the complex.

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